Can scientists who study HIV discover treatments from an understanding of cancer? Can scientists who study diseases of the eye benefit from research done by studying strokes? According to Dr. Nevan Krogan, scientists must think across traditional scientific boundaries in order to understand complex diseases.
Dr. Krogan is a cellular mapmaker. He maps cells to explore how infectious diseases change cells. He has learned that nearly all diseases—from HIV to cancer—are fundamentally the same; they are simply a set of proteins that are behaving badly that put the cell in a disease state. By creating these cellular maps, he’s created a tool that allows for the rapid unraveling of genetic-based disorders, infections, and rare diseases.
Dr. Krogan discusses the groundbreaking project he is leading—a map-making initiative that aims to reshape the medical landscape, with hopes for cures and treatments in infectious disease, cancer, and psychiatric disorders during this informational Biomedical Research Caucus briefing.