One of the features of many cancers is the loss of genome integrity. One of the most stunning examples of this is chromothripsis. Chromothripsis involves the shuffling or rearrangement of
One of the features of many cancers is the loss of genome integrity. One of the most stunning examples of this is chromothripsis. Chromothripsis involves the shuffling or rearrangement of
Scientific dogma for decades has dictated that once a cell dies it cannot be resurrected. Dr. Denise Montell discusses her groundbreaking discovery that overturns this widely held belief. What she
Dr. Keith R. Yamamoto, Vice Chancellor for Research, UCSF Executive Vice Dean, School of Medicine Professor, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology July 14, 2015 Testimony for the Record for the Subcommittee
The Coalition for the Life Sciences (CLS) would like to thank the Senate Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education and Related Agencies (Labor-HHS) Appropriations Subcommittee for its commitment to
Every day, the human body replaces an estimated 10 billion cells lost to injury or ordinary cellular housekeeping. More dramatically, cut a worm into two fragments and each fragment regenerates
Dr. Kim Lewis from Northeastern University discusses how we are experiencing a human health crisis due to the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. There are strains of tuberculosis and certain bacteria,