The Congressional Biomedical Research Caucus on How We Protect U.S. Citizens from Contagious Diseases in the Age of Globalization. Our distinguished speaker is Dr. Peter Hotez from Baylor College of
By Dr. Harold Varmus, Nobel Laureate and Director of the National Cancer Institute. On January 30, President Obama rolled out details on his Precision Medicine Initiative, a new effort that
The Coalition for the Life Sciences (CLS) applauds President Obama’s 2016 budget proposal that supports the critical research taking place at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and National Science
Today President Barak Obama unveiled his proposed Precision Medicine Initiative that seeks to revolutionize how we improve health and treat disease. In an article in today’s Politico, Jo Handelsman, assistant
With Dr. Carol Barnes, University of Arizona. As a person ages, changes occur in all areas of the body – including the brain. Typically we identify memory loss as a
Dr. Feng Zhang, from the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at the Massachusetts Institute for Technology, discusses how instead of taking prescription pills when you are sick, soon you may
Marc Tessier-Lavigne, PhD, president of The Rockefeller University, discusses the relationship between publicly funded research and the pharmaceutical industry. The event is part of the Congressional Biomedical Research Caucus’s 2014