Anthony Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute on Allergy and Infectious Diseases, will discuss the present and future environment for battling HIV/AIDS. The event was held in the Rayburn
Dr. Keith Yamamoto, Vice Chancellor for Research, UCSF Executive Vice Dean, School of Medicine Professor, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology Representing the Coalition for the Life Sciences April 22, 2014 Testimony
Dr. Keith Yamamoto, Vice Chancellor for Research, UCSF Executive Vice Dean, School of Medicine Professor, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology Representing the Coalition for the Life Sciences April 22, 2014 Testimony
Michael Rosbash, director of the Brandeis National Center for Behavioral Genomics, has spent more than three decades studying circadian rhythms, the built-in biological clock that governs functions such as sleep
In the last decade alone, scientists have made a number of landmark discoveries that now create the opportunity to unlock the mysteries of the brain, including the sequencing of the
THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary January 28, 2014 Remarks of President Barack Obama – As Prepared for Delivery State of the Union Address Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Congress passed a bill that will fund the federal government through the end of FY14 (September 30, 2014). This agreement provides some relief to our nation’s federally funded science agencies,
Watch Dr. Alvarez-Buylla as he shows that neuronal replacement in adults is in fact feasible. His findings have led to a number of fundamental advances including the identification of adult