In her briefing for the Congressional Biomedical Research Caucus, Dr. Carson examines the deterioration of memory in older adults in a new light — not that of a mind being
Each year Congress appropriates billions of dollars to fund the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Did you ever consider how the money is distributed? With a budget of roughly $30
Dr. Wendell Lim of the University of California, San Francisco (USCF) Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology, shares his experience with the International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Competition, a “Biotechnology
Dr. Chad Boult and his team have created a new model of comprehensive health care, called Guided Care, which targets people living with multiple chronic conditions, the typical high-cost Medicare
There is an ecology of interacting laws, regulations and institutions that are intended to support innovation – a traditional strength of the U.S. Unfortunately, the current elements of that ecology
Dr. Atul Butte of Stanford University is at the forefront of the nascent field of translational bioinformatics—a field that seeks to create new diagnostics and therapeutics from genome-era information and
Dr. Martin Chalfie’s discussion highlights his ground-breaking research on green flourescent protein (GFP). He and colleagues revolutionized how scientists study the mechanics of cells by getting a visual fix on
Current global disease control efforts focus largely on attempting to stop pandemics after they have already emerged. This fire brigade approach, which generally involves drugs, vaccines, and behavioral change, has